
Turner English Online Learning

Who is Turner English Online Learning?

Turner English Online Learning is run by Kelly Evelyn Turner, a British-American ESL teacher.

Kelly has a B.A. in English from Temple University in Philadelphia, USA and she is CELTA-certified (Cambridge certificate of teaching English to Adults).

She has over 5 years experience in Germany and Spain, teaching English to teens and adults.

Teaching method and approach

The approach is student-centered, meaning that the in-class time is used for students to engage, to communicate through speaking and listening, and to gain confidence in their English language skills.

Lessons are designed prioritizing students’ needs and goals. This is done through choosing engaging activities and topics that are interesting and productive for students.

More about the lessons...

Kelly creates a safe space for students to make mistakes, to ask questions, and be open with their doubts in the language.

Through this method of maximizing communication, students gain confidence and learn language that they will utilize in real-life situations.

Lessons can include:

Conversation about current-affairs


Debates, TED-talks, role-plays, presentations, and more.

Turner English Online Learning is exclusively online. We teach students from all over the globe.